Redondo Beach Car Accident Lawyer

Redondo Beach Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of personal injury claims in California. If you or a loved one recently experienced a car accident in the Redondo Beach area due to another driver’s negligence, you could have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit to recover your damages. A Redondo Beach car accident lawyer can help you identify the parties responsible for your losses and hold them accountable with a civil claim.

California state law imposes a two-year statute of limitations on civil claims for personal injuries. While this may sound like a lot of time, the reality is that some car accident claims are very complicated. Moving quickly to ensure your recovery by hiring a Redondo Beach car accident attorney is a wise decision, especially because it helps to ensure the freshness of any available evidence that might support your case.

Best Redondo Beach Car Accident Lawyer

Why Choose McLachlan Law?

When you need a Redondo Beach car accident attorney, it’s essential to locate one with the experience you expect from an attorney who can see you through a complex accident claim. Attorney Mike McLachlan has more than 24 years of professional experience with civil litigation in California. If you need an attorney who can accurately assess the value of your claim and help you navigate the Redondo Beach court system, our firm is here to help.

Over the past several years, our legal team has secured more than $100 million in compensation for our personal injury clients. We believe in supporting our clients after they have suffered injuries and other losses due to the negligence of others, and we work hard to hold those negligent parties accountable for the damages they cause. Our team will fully investigate your claim and help you determine the full range of compensation you can claim with your lawsuit.

Most Common Causes of Car Accident Lawsuits in Redondo Beach

A car accident can easily lead to a personal injury claim if fault for the accident is clear. A few of the most common causes of California car accidents include:

  • Drunk driving or driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs. Impaired driving is incredibly dangerous for both the driver and everyone on the road around them. DUI offenses can not only lead to civil liability for victims’ damages, but also criminal prosecution from the state that may result in fines, jail time, and license suspension.
  • Distracted driving, such as using a cell phone while behind the wheel. Distractions are anything that takes a driver’s hands away from controlling the vehicle, their eyes away from the road ahead, or their attention away from driving. If a driver is eating behind the wheel, using a cellphone illegally, or engaged in another distracting action, they could easily cause an accident if they fail to react to suddenly changing traffic conditions.
  • Speeding, aggressive driving, and other moving violations. Driving at excessive speeds is very dangerous. The higher the speed of the vehicle, the harder it will be for the driver to maneuver and brake when necessary. Accidents that occur at high speeds have a greater chance of resulting in serious injuries or fatalities. Drivers who are aggressive around other drivers or who commit other moving violations put other drivers at grave risk of injury.
  • Defective vehicles and parts. Auto manufacturers must ensure their vehicles and parts are safe and perform as intended. If a vehicle defect caused an accident, the manufacturer may bear liability for the resulting damages. If faulty maintenance or an incorrectly performed repair caused an accident, the party who did the work on the vehicle could absorb liability for the damages from the accident.
  • Poor visibility, such as driving in low light or inclement weather. Accidents are more common at night in Redondo Beach because it is more difficult to see. Drivers must use their lights correctly, and pedestrians should use additional caution when walking near streets at night. Accidents involving bicycles and pedestrians are more likely at night when visibility is low.

All of these examples show how car accidents can occur when drivers fail to uphold their duty of care to drive safely and responsibly. If you experienced such an event, a Redondo Beach car accident attorney can help you discern your options for legal recourse.

Potential Damages in Your Redondo Beach Car Accident Claim

It’s essential to start working with an experienced Redondo Beach car accident lawyer as soon as possible after an accident in the area. Car insurance is typically the first level of securing compensation following a motor vehicle accident. California is a fault-based state, so drivers must carry auto insurance that provides coverage for bodily injury, total accident coverage, and property damage coverage. Unfortunately, dealing with an insurance company is rarely easy, and an at-fault driver’s auto insurance policy may not offer enough coverage to fully compensate an injured driver’s losses.

Hiring a Redondo Beach car accident attorney will not only make dealing with insurance companies easier but will also help you determine your legal options to recover what insurance can’t provide. Your attorney can draft your claim to the appropriate insurance company and handle correspondence with them on your behalf. If insurance is not enough to fully cover the cost of your car accident, your Redondo Beach car accident lawyer can help you pursue a personal injury claim to recover the full amount of your losses.

A car accident in Redondo Beach, CA can easily cause significant losses, such as:

  • Expensive medical bills: You can claim all medical expenses for both short and long-term care you required following a car accident, such as hospital bills and the cost of rehabilitation, physical therapy, or necessary future surgeries.
  • Lost wages: If your accident caused an injury that forced you home from work to recover, you can sue for the income you lost during this time. If your injuries caused a permanent disability that leaves you unable to work, your attorney can potentially help you recover your lost future earnings.
  • Property damage: A car accident may have damaged or completely destroyed your vehicle as well as personal belongings you kept inside of the vehicle or had on your person during the accident. You can claim the cost of replacing or repairing your damaged property in a personal injury claim.
  • Pain and suffering: The California civil court system allows an injured plaintiff to recover compensation for physical pain and emotional suffering caused by a negligent defendant. The amount the plaintiff receives typically reflects the severity of their injuries and the time required to fully recover from them.

Acting quickly after a car accident and working with a Redondo Beach car accident attorney helps you maximize the compensation you could receive from a successful personal injury claim. The attorneys at McLachlan Law, APC, will thoroughly investigate your claim and help you determine every open channel of compensation in your case. Contact our team today to schedule a free case consultation with an experienced Redondo Beach, CA car accident attorney.

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