Redondo Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

Redondo Beach Personal Injury Attorney

A personal injury occurs any time an individual causes a physical injury or financial loss to another party through negligence. Personal injury claims allow injured parties to secure compensation for their losses by holding the responsible party accountable in civil court. Some of the most common causes of personal injury lawsuits in Redondo Beach and throughout California include car accidents, defective consumer products, and intentional torts like assault and battery.

If you have sustained a personal injury in Redondo Beach due to another party’s reckless, negligent, or intentionally harmful behavior, a personal injury lawsuit may be your best chance of recovering your losses. An injury can lead to expensive medical bills and long-term inability to work, which in turn will interfere with your everyday life. An experienced Redondo Beach personal injury lawyer can help you determine your legal options after suffering an injury due to another party’s negligence.

Best Redondo Beach, CA Personal Injury Lawyer

Choose McLachlan Law, APC as Your Redondo Beach, CA Personal Injury Lawyer

The legal team at McLachlan Law, APC, has years of experience successfully handling all types of personal injury claims. When you are unsure whether your situation justifies a personal injury lawsuit, our firm can help. We can determine whether you have grounds to sue, the likelihood of you succeeding with your lawsuit, and the potential compensation you might recover if you win your case or reach a settlement with the defendant.

Attorney Mike McLachlan has more than 24 years of professional legal experience, focusing primarily on personal injury law in the state of California. Attorney McLachlan and his legal team will thoroughly review every detail of your claim and help you determine the full range of your claimable damages. Our goal is to help our clients maximize their recoveries following personal injuries resulting from negligence.

Common Types of Personal Injury Cases in Redondo Beach, CA

“Personal injury” is a fairly broad term. In the legal world, it can encompass a wide variety of situations. Some of the most common types of personal injury claims filed in Redondo Beach and throughout the United States include:

  • Motor vehicle accident claims: Cars, trucks, and motorcycles all face uncertainty on the road, and accidents happen for many reasons every day in California. If another driver caused an accident with you due to distraction, inattention, recklessness, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you likely have grounds for a personal injury claim to recover your losses.
  • Product liability claims: Manufacturers of consumer products must ensure the products they create and sell are safe to use as intended and pose no extraordinary risks to end-users. When a company releases a dangerous or defective product, fails to include required instructions or safety warnings, or produces a faultily designed product, the company may bear liability for any consumer injuries that the product in question causes.
  • Intentional tort claims: An intentional tort is any act committed intentionally to harm another person. You may have grounds for a personal injury claim if someone else assaulted, robbed, or otherwise physically harmed you. The responsible individual would also likely face criminal prosecution for their actions.
  • Dog bite claims: California upholds strict liability for injuries caused by dog bites and dog attacks. A dog’s owner is fully liable for a victim’s damages if their pet injures someone, regardless of whether the owner knew the dog might attack. This liability does not apply to trespassers who suffer injuries from dogs protecting their homes, however.
  • Negligent security claims: When a security guard falls asleep on the job or a security company fails to maintain their camera systems, door locks, and other safety features, lawful residents and guests to the property may sustain injuries and damages from interpersonal crimes committed by unauthorized interlopers. Negligent security claims hold property owners and their security providers responsible for preventable injuries that happen due to their negligence or oversight.

Ultimately, any situation in which one party harms another either intentionally or negligently can result in a personal injury lawsuit. A plaintiff in this position should hire a Redondo Beach, CA personal injury attorney as soon as possible to start building a case against the party responsible for causing their damages.

Recovery Through Your Personal Injury Claim

To succeed with a personal injury claim, your Redondo Beach personal injury lawyer must prove that the defendant named in your claim directly caused your claimed damages by failing to uphold their duty of care for the situation in question. If successful in your claim, you can recover several types of compensation, depending on your losses. Some of the most common types of compensatory damages awarded in Redondo Beach, CA personal injury claims include medical expense repayment, lost wage reimbursement, and coverage for property damage identified in the claim.

Most personal injury claims settle out of court as it is generally in the best interests of all parties involved to settle the matter quickly and quietly. This maximizes the plaintiff’s recovery as quickly as possible and helps the defendant clear up the issue in an expedient manner. The two parties must agree to a settlement; otherwise, the case will go to litigation. In the phase, the judge will have the final say. This could end badly for either the plaintiff or the defendant, or even both in some cases. California upholds a pure comparative negligence statute that allows plaintiffs to recover damages from their personal injury claims even if they are partially responsible for causing those damages. The plaintiff, however, loses a percentage of the case award equal to their percentage of fault.

Settlement can help avoid the time-consuming and stressful challenges that litigation often presents, but sometimes litigating a personal injury claim is the only way for the plaintiff to hope to see a reasonable outcome.

Find the Right Redondo Beach, CA Personal Injury Attorney Today

Help is available for those who have suffered injuries or illness due to the actions of another party and face expensive medical treatment bills, who have lost wages from missing time at work, and who are in constant physical pain and psychological suffering. An experienced Redondo Beach, CA personal injury attorney can assess your legal options and fight for the compensation you need to recover.

At McLachlan Law, APC, we understand how devastating a personal injury can be for you and your family, and our goal is to help you recover and hold the responsible party accountable as swiftly as possible. We take a client-focused approach in our legal representation and will keep you aware of case developments promptly as they unfold during your case. Contact McLachlan Law, APC today to arrange a consultation with an experienced Redondo Beach personal injury lawyer, and start building your personal injury claim.

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