Hawthorne Truck Accident Attorney

Hawthorne Truck Accident Lawyer

Commercial trucks are an important part of California’s economy, transporting billions in cargo throughout the state and the country each year. Most drivers in the Hawthorne area are used to seeing large commercial trucks on a regular basis, and it is vital for all drivers to recognize the inherent dangers these large vehicles present. Truck accidents can and do happen for many of the same reasons that all other vehicle accidents occur, but large commercial trucks are also vulnerable to additional risk factors and often cause much more significant damages than standard passenger vehicle accidents. If you’ve been involved in a collision with a commercial truck, it’s crucial to seek the guidance of a Hawthorne Truck Accident Attorney to ensure your rights are protected and you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

Best Hawthorne Truck Accident Attorney

Experienced Legal Representation for Hawthorne, CA, Truck Accident Claims

If you or a family member recently experienced a truck accident in the Hawthorne area, it is essential to know what you need to do to ensure accountability and secure compensation for your damages. The driver responsible for your accident is liable for all damages they inflicted, and determining fault is often more difficult for a truck accident than it is for most other vehicle accidents.

McLachlan Law, APC, can provide the comprehensive legal counsel you need to recover from a truck accident as fully as possible. Our team has years of personal injury experience we can leverage on your behalf, guiding you through every phase of your recovery efforts with confidence. Time is a very important factor for anyone facing the aftermath of a truck accident, and it is crucial to speak with Hawthorne truck accident lawyer you can trust as soon as possible after this type of accident.

How Can a Truck Accident Attorney Help Your Case in Hawthorne, CA?

The right attorney is an invaluable asset after any type of truck accident in Hawthorne. It may be technically possible for the victim to pursue compensation on their own, but hiring legal counsel will make their recovery efforts much easier to handle and more likely to yield the results they hope to see. Instead of trying to manage your medical issues and your legal affairs all at once on your own, your legal team can handle your legal proceedings on your behalf while you focus on recovery.

Your legal team can assist you with gathering the evidence needed to firmly establish liability for your damages. This is a complex aspect of many truck accidents due to the legal concept of vicarious liability. It’s possible for fault for your truck accident to fall on the truck driver, but their employer may bear liability as well. Vicarious liability comes into play when an employer bears fault for the actions of their employee. If a trucking company or other employer was negligent in their hiring and/or training of a driver, vicarious liability could come into play and complicate your claim.

Your Hawthorne truck accident attorney will not only be crucial for helping you prove fault and establish liability for all parties responsible for your accident but also for proving the scope of the damages you suffered. Under state law, the party responsible for harming you is liable for any economic losses they inflicted as well as your pain and suffering. Recovery is likely to require both an insurance claim against the at-fault driver and a personal injury suit. You are more likely to maximize your compensation through both of these legal actions with an attorney you can trust on your side.

Common Causes of Trucking Accidents in Hawthorne

Truck accidents happen for many of the same reasons that all other vehicle accidents happen. Distracted driving, moving violations, speeding, and other forms of negligence behind the wheel can easily result in devastating accidents. When a truck accident happens because of negligence, the victim has to identify the person or party responsible for the accident and demonstrate that they did violate their duty of care and that violation directly caused the plaintiff’s claimed damages.

It is also possible for a truck accident to happen because of unlawful misconduct. The most common example of this is driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol. If a truck driver is intoxicated behind the wheel and causes an accident, they face not only liability for any damages they inflict on others but also criminal prosecution for DUI as well as professional penalties, such as loss of their commercial driver’s license (CDL). Your Hawthorne truck accident attorney can help you understand how the illegal nature of the defendant’s behavior could impact your recovery.

Proving fault for your truck accident in Hawthorne is likely to require several types of evidence. You may need physical evidence from the scene of the crash, testimony from witnesses who saw it happen, and digital records like traffic camera video recordings and driver cell phone records. In the event your accident involves any complex technical details, your Hawthorne truck accident lawyer may consult expert witnesses to provide their professional insights and help prove liability for the accident.

Filing an Auto Insurance Claim for a Truck Accident in Hawthorne, CA

Every driver must have auto insurance that meets basic coverage requirements for bodily injury and property damage. An insurance claim is a valuable first step toward recovery after a truck accident, and your Hawthorne truck accident lawyer will be a valuable asset for ensuring a fair settlement offer from the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier.

It’s important to remember that insurance companies generally try to avoid paying out settlements however and whenever possible. They will look for any reasons they can find to justify a lowball settlement offer or outright deny a claim for coverage. Having an experienced legal team representing you significantly reduces the chances of encountering any bad-faith handling of your claim, and you can be confident that your attorney will help maximize your settlement offer.

Building a Personal Injury Case for Your Truck Accident in Hawthorne

When an at-fault driver does not have enough insurance coverage to fully compensate for the losses you suffered in your truck accident in Hawthorne, CA, you must file a personal injury claim against them to fully recover. Under California law, the defendant responsible for causing your personal injury is liable for all economic damages you suffered, which are likely to include:

  • Medical expenses: The defendant who injured you is responsible for the cost of all the medical care you need to reach maximum medical improvement from your injuries. You can seek compensation for both immediate and future medical costs you incur from the accident. Truck accidents can easily cause catastrophic injuries that demand extensive ongoing care, and your attorney is your most viable resource for ensuring complete compensation for all the medical expenses you face in the aftermath of your truck accident.
  • Lost income: Many people who suffer serious personal injuries are unable to work while they recover. If this applies to your truck accident claim, the defendant is responsible for the income you are unable to earn during the recovery process. This includes vacation time or hours of paid time off you were compelled to use in the aftermath of the accident.
  • Lost future earning capacity: Unfortunately, many truck accident victims are left disabled by their injuries. They may be unable to work at all in the future, or they may be compelled to accept lower-paying work. If your accident has diminished your earning power in any way, the defendant is responsible for the future income you are no longer able to earn.
  • Property damage: An insurance claim against the at-fault driver may cover some of your vehicle repair costs, but any remainder not covered by insurance must be recovered through a personal injury claim. Your attorney can help calculate the total property damages you can seek from the person who caused your recent truck accident.

Along with these economic damages, you also have the right to seek compensation for the pain and suffering you experienced due to the defendant’s actions. California law does not limit or cap pain and suffering compensation in vehicle accident claims. The amount the plaintiff seeks should reasonably reflect the overall harm they suffered.

Attorneys typically determine appropriate pain and suffering compensation for their clients based on the nature of their injuries and the long-term complications they are likely to experience because of them as well as the time it will take them to fully recover. When the plaintiff is likely to face long-term or permanent disability from their injuries, their pain and suffering compensation could amount to more than the total of their economic damages.

How Your Hawthorne Truck Accident Attorney Can Resolve Your Claim

Ultimately, recovering from your recent truck accident could require extensive legal proceedings, including an auto insurance claim as well as a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver. Hiring legal counsel that you can trust will enable you to navigate this process as swiftly as possible, and you will be more likely to maximize the overall compensation you obtain.

McLachlan Law, APC, has the professional resources and experience you need on your side to recover as fully as possible from your recent truck accident. Our team has a solid record of successful cases due to our commitment to client-focused legal counsel in every case we accept. When you are unsure how to proceed with seeking accountability and compensation for the losses you suffered in a truck accident, we can help. Contact McLachlan Law, APC, today and schedule your consultation with a Hawthorne truck accident lawyer.

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