Long Beach Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Long Beach Bicycle Accident Attorney

Riding a bicycle can be an exhilarating, enjoyable, and healthy way to get around town or stay in shape. However, it can also lead to severe injuries if you are involved in an accident with a vehicle or even with a pedestrian. Depending on whether or not you are wearing protective gear, such as a helmet or pads, you could suffer life-threatening injuries from the accident. If you do, you should consider reaching out to a Long Beach bicycle accident lawyer.

Best Long Beach, CA Bicycle Accident Lawyer

California’s Bicycle Laws

Just because you are riding a bicycle does not mean you are afforded fewer rights than other motorists. It is vital that you take the proper steps to protect yourself if you are involved in a bicycle accident. One way to protect yourself is to always wear a helmet.

California’s laws regarding bicycle helmets require riders under 18 years old to wear a protective helmet at all times. Even for those that are 18 years or older, it is recommended that you wear one as well. Helmets have been proven to save countless lives when bicycles and motorcycles are involved in accidents. The lack of a helmet could be seen as an act of comparative negligence in some cases.

Statute of Limitations

If you wish to pursue legal action against the party responsible for causing your accident, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim, including a bicycle accident claim, is two years. That means you will have two years from the date of your accident to start to build a case, gather evidence, speak with a Long Beach Bicycle Accident Attorney, and file a claim for compensatory damages. If you are unable to file your case before the two-year period is up, it may be dismissed.

It can take a considerable amount of time to build a solid personal injury case, so it is recommended that you start the process as soon as possible.

What to Do After a Bike Accident in Long Beach, CA

Regardless of how safety-conscious you may be as a bicyclist, the other vehicles on the road are bigger and far more dangerous. Also, they may not be as safe as you are. Knowing how to handle yourself in the event of an accident can be significant. Here are some steps you can take to help your legal claim if you are in an accident:

  • Don’t Panic: When in an accident, your first instinct may be to panic. It is vital that you do not panic. Panicking does not help and could actually make your situation worse. You have just survived a run-in with a car. You’re going to be a bit stressed. Take a deep breath, compose yourself, and start checking yourself for injuries.
  • Check for Injuries: Once you have composed yourself, you can start checking yourself for any immediate injuries. If you were wearing a helmet and/or pads, your injuries may not be as severe as they could have been. Look for bloody wet spots, protrusions, bruising, and sprains. If you can’t find any injuries but are in pain, bring that up with the EMTs once they arrive.
  • Call 911: As soon as you can, call 911 to get police and EMTs to the scene. You may feel a bit more at ease once law enforcement shows up and takes control of the situation. Let the EMTs look you over for injuries. Be sure to see a doctor later so your injuries are documented. This can help your case later on. Be honest with the police, but do not admit fault for the accident.
  • Exchange Information: You should exchange insurance and contact information with the driver who hit you. Get their name, address, phone number, license plate number, and insurance policy number.
  • Document the Scene: Take plenty of photos of the scene. Document your injuries, the damage to your bicycle, the damage to any cars involved, the conditions of the road, and any posted signs. Get the contact info of any witnesses as well.
  • See a Lawyer: After you have seen a doctor for your injuries and contacted your insurance company, you should go see a Long Beach Bicycle Accident Lawyer to get started on building a personal injury case against the driver.


Q: How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Bicycle Accident?

A: The amount of time it can take to recover from a bicycle accident is entirely dependent on the severity of your injuries and how well you respond to treatment ordered by your doctor. Everybody is different and heals at a different pace. There’s no way to tell exactly how long it will take you to fully recover from your injuries after the accident.

Q: How Much Do Accident Attorneys Charge in California?

A: The amount an accident attorney may charge in California depends on several factors. Since every case is different, with its own set of details and circumstances, the costs of the attorney’s services can vary. Perhaps the most influential factor is the fee structure of the attorney. Some attorneys may charge an hourly fee, some may charge a flat fee, and some may charge a contingency fee. Also, their own experience, education, availability, and network of resources, must be considered.

Q: What Happens If a Cyclist Gets Hit by a Car in California?

A: If a cyclist gets hit by a car in Long Beach, California, the driver of the car has a legal obligation to stop and report the accident. The driver should notify the police and EMTs, provide their insurance and contact information to the cyclist, and stick around to give a report to the police. If the driver flees the scene, they could be charged with a hit and run which would make their situation considerably worse.

Q: What Is the First Aid Treatment for a Bicycle Accident?

A: Generally, the first aid treatment for a bicycle accident involves applying pressure to any wounds and bandaging them up. In many cases, bad cuts and bruises are the worst injuries a bicyclist suffers from an accident. Sometimes, the injury can be life-threatening and will require surgery as soon as possible. It depends entirely on the nature of the accident and how severe the injuries are.

Contact Our Long Beach Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today

At McLachlan Law, APC, we can help you seek justice for your bicycle accident. Contact us to schedule a consultation where you can learn more about how we can help your case.

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