With the seemingly high amount of traffic accidents you may see as you drive through town or on the local news, perhaps you’re wondering, “Is California safe for motorcycles?” While collisions are impossible to avoid completely, there are measures both the state and motorcyclists can take to reduce the frequency of traffic incidents and the damage caused by them. Contact a Compton motorcycle accident attorney for a fair evaluation of your case.

How to Know Whether a State Is Safe for Motorcyclists

Crash statistics can be helpful to know when it comes to determining the safety of a specific place, but this is only one aspect that should be considered. States with high populations, such as California, are more likely to see motorcycle accidents reported simply because there are so many motorists using roadways.

Additionally, locations that often deal with traffic congestion are more likely to pose a danger to motorcyclists compared to areas with little congestion and open spaces. California may have congestion in some of its larger cities, but much of the state has wide, open roadways and minimal traffic, which is ideal for motorcyclists.

Weather should also be taken into account when assessing a state or county’s general safety for motorcycle riders. Motorcyclists should try to avoid places with high levels of precipitation and instead opt to ride in dry, clear areas. It’s important to look into a state’s motorcycle laws and whether sufficient training and education options are available. California has strong motorcycle laws that promote safe riding, requiring motorists to wear a helmet that meets USDOT criteria.

Who’s at Fault for a Motorcycle Accident in California?

While each accident is unique, many motorcycle accidents occur when another driver fails to yield or notice a motorcyclist on the road. Motorcyclists making turns are particularly dangerous. However, it is possible in some situations for the motorcyclist to be found partially or primarily at fault for the accident due to excessive speed or reckless driving or when no parties can be determined as liable.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Collision?

It’s important to be cautious and practice safety procedures as a motorcyclist, including staying aware of other vehicles around you. If you do find yourself in a collision, be sure to check yourself and other parties for injuries immediately following the accident and then move to a safe area. Proceed to call law enforcement, exchange registration and insurance info with the individuals involved, and document the scene of the accident.

You may want to collect evidence by taking pictures of the accident environment, damages to your bike and the other vehicles, and any injuries, along with asking any eyewitnesses for their contact information. It’s advised that you seek medical attention once you can leave the scene, even if you feel relatively fine.

You should notify your insurance company of the accident and provide any information needed for their report. Avoid offering supplementary information or answering questions regarding fault since insurance providers often look for reasons to pay you less or not at all. Soon after calling your insurer, consult with a personal injury attorney with experience handling motorcycle accidents. Your lawyer can advise you on which steps to take next.


Q: How Safe Is It to Ride a Motorcycle in California?

A: It’s relatively safe to ride a motorcycle in California, depending on where you live or tend to ride your bike most often. Safe places for motorcyclists are generally found to be dry, with clear weather, and have minimal traffic and open roadways with plenty of space from other traffic.

While motorcyclists may want to avoid some of California’s more populated cities or those with dense infrastructure, the state does have diligent motorcycle safety laws, education, and training in place to protect riders.

Q: Who Is Typically at Fault in a Motorcycle Accident?

A: In many motorcycle accidents, the other driver is at fault, but the motorcyclist may be partially liable in some situations. Fault may fall on the opposing driver since they’re responsible for yielding to oncoming traffic when making a left turn, which is frequently how motorcyclists are struck.

This may happen for a variety of reasons, such as the driver being distracted, not seeing the motorcycle, miscalculating the rider’s speed or distance away, or either party driving recklessly or while intoxicated, among other causes.

Q: Are Motorcycle Riders Required to Have Insurance in CA?

A: In California, motorcyclists are required by law to have insurance. Insurance helps cover medical bills and other damages incurred by a traffic accident. Failure to supply proof of insurance while operating a motorcycle can cause the rider to face fines and other penalties. It’s also recommended, not legally required, for motorcyclists to have additional coverage, such as collision insurance or more comprehensive coverage.

Q: Do I Need a Motorcycle Collision Lawyer in CA?

A: You’re not required to obtain a motorcycle collision lawyer in California after an accident, but doing so can have many benefits. A qualified and experienced injury attorney can help you recover the damages caused by the incident by investigating the events, representing you when negotiating with insurance providers and other parties, and, if needed, litigating on your behalf in court. Your strongest chances of receiving sufficient compensation are with the assistance of a skilled injury lawyer.

Q: How Do I Stay Safe as a Motorcycle Rider in CA?

A: Some measures you can take to stay safe as a motorcycle rider include wearing your helmet and other protective clothing, especially leather fabrics, which can reduce your chances of severe bodily injury when in a collision. It’s also smart to research the area(s) where you plan to ride so you know what to expect and may need to avoid, such as high-traffic roads or places experiencing harsh weather. Be sure to remain aware of other vehicles and stay alert.

Qualified Injury Lawyers for Your Motorcycle Accident

It’s vital to work with an experienced attorney who can evaluate your motorcycle accident case. Get in contact with our skilled team at McLachlan Law, APC, to schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable injury lawyer.