A motorcycle accident can be catastrophic for those involved, especially the rider of the motorcycle. In these accidents, there is a great risk of injury or even death for the motorcyclist. After an accident, there are steps that both drivers should take in order to ensure the greatest possible outcome and prevent any unnecessary trouble down the line. After a collision, riders may be wondering, “What should you not do after a motorcycle accident?”

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are caused by an array of reasons. Some of these reasons include lane splitting, head-on collisions, collisions with stationary objects, being struck by other vehicles, drunk driving, speeding, and road hazards.

When it comes to motorcycle accidents, the fault is often on the other driver if the accident involves another vehicle. This can be due to distracted driving or obstructed vision, among other reasons. When an accident is caused by the negligence of another driver, you may be able to seek compensation for your damages with the help of a ​​Carson motorcycle accident attorney.

Other times, the accident is caused by the motorcyclists. Common reasons for this include engaging in risky behavior such as lane splitting, speeding, or drunk driving. Risky driving causes the motorcyclist to be inhibited in their reaction time to potential hazards that can arise on the road. In some cases, the fault is shared by both the driver of another vehicle and a motorcyclist.

What Not to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, there are some steps you should take and other things you should avoid after the accident has occurred. These actions will help ensure a smooth legal process after the accident. Some things to refrain from doing include:

  • Do not leave the scene of the accident. It is not only irresponsible but also illegal to leave the scene of an accident that you were involved in. If the accident is serious and results in injuries, death, or damage to personal property, leaving the scene can result in criminal charges.
  • Do not admit fault at the scene. If you are fully or partially at fault, it may seem noble to admit this at the scene. However, this confession can be used against you later, especially if it is later discovered that the other driver was partially at fault or if you were not as at fault as you believed you were.
  • Do not neglect medical care. All injuries are not easily noticeable. Some are internal. Seeking immediate medical attention can ensure you don’t have unseen injuries or confirm them, which will be helpful if you file a claim.
  • Do not say yes to any insufficient settlement. Some insurance companies will try to make you an offer that’s too low to cover your costs. A lawyer can look at the details and help you receive the settlement you deserve.

What to Do After a Car Accident

If you have been involved in a car accident, there are a few steps that you may want to take immediately afterward. These include:

  • Make sure everyone is okay. This includes yourself. If someone is injured, call 911 for medical attention.
  • Contact law enforcement. Call 911 to report the accident. A police report can help with insurance and other legal matters, even if the accident was minor.
  • Gather evidence. Take photographs, interview witnesses, and document the details of the accident as soon as you can while it is fresh on your mind.
  • Seek medical attention. Even if you feel fine, having an official medical record of your injuries or lack thereof will be beneficial when filing a personal injury claim or a claim with insurance companies. Also, if there are internal injuries that you are not aware of, seeking medical attention can reveal them.
  • Contact an attorney. An attorney can help you negotiate with insurance companies and evaluate any settlements offered to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Your lawyer can make sure that the settlement covers any expenses and damages you incurred as a result of the crash.


Q: What Should I Avoid Doing After a Motorcycle Accident?

A: After a motorcycle accident, there are a few things you may want to refrain from doing. Some of these include:

  • Do not reject medical attention,
  • Do not leave the scene.
  • Do not admit fault.
  • Do not discuss the details publicly.
  • Do not settle the case too quickly and accept the first offer provided to you.

Q: What Should I Say After a Motorcycle Accident?

A: After a motorcycle accident, you’ll want to provide basic information to law enforcement and anyone else involved in the accident. You should also stick to the facts of the case when retelling the events instead of voicing opinions and admitting fault. When talking, you should cooperate with authorities and answer questions honestly.

Q: What Should You Do After Your First Motorcycle Crash?

A: After your first motorcycle crash, there are a few things you can do to help ensure a smooth process after the fact. You will want to contact law enforcement to report the crash. If you or another party is injured, you will also want to immediately contact medical services. Next, you should gather as much evidence as you can about the accident. Any evidence will help when seeking compensation from insurance companies and with any legal matters.

Q: What Happens to the Body After a Motorcycle Accident?

A: After a motorcycle accident, a few things can happen to the body, depending on the nature of the accident. In many cases, the motorcycle rider is thrown off the bike or falls off of it. Some likely resulting injuries include fractures, road rash, and head injuries. If the pain or accident is severe enough, the body can go into shock. Swelling and pain can occur up to days after the accident, as well as bruises.

Contact McLachlan Law, APC, Today

If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, McLachlan Law, APC can help. An attorney can assist by making sure your right to compensation is protected. We can also analyze the details of the accident and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve while negotiating with insurance companies on your behalf. Contact us today to learn more.