Carson Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Carson Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Thousands of people living in and around Carson, CA, walk through busy metropolitan areas every day. Pedestrians trust nearby drivers to operate their vehicles safely and abide by the traffic laws. They also trust posted signals and crosswalk indicators to provide safe control over the traffic flow around them. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents can and do happen in the Carson, CA, area, and it’s vital to know what to do if you or a loved one experiences such an incident. A pedestrian accident can easily result in losses that quickly compound into tremendous financial strain for the victim and their family. An experienced Carson pedestrian accident attorney is the best asset to have in this challenging situation.

Carson pedestrian accident attorney

Legal Counsel for Carson Pedestrian Accident Victims

McLachlan Law, APC, provides comprehensive and client-focused legal counsel to Carson, CA, clients injured in pedestrian accidents. We understand the stress, uncertainty, and emotional strain that severe personal injuries can cause victims and their loved ones. Our goal is to help our clients navigate these difficult situations as effectively as possible. The right legal counsel on your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your personal injury claim for a pedestrian accident.

Why Should I Hire a Carson Pedestrian Accident Attorney?

Navigating any personal injury case on your own is incredibly difficult. While you may think you can handle your case without an attorney and save money on legal fees, the reality is that most personal injury claims are far more complex than they appear at first. You would need to meet various strict deadlines with the Carson court, manage your recovery, and maintain control over your personal life completely unassisted. Moreover, even if you were to succeed with self-representation in a pedestrian accident claim, you would be unlikely to secure as much compensation as an experienced attorney could have obtained on your behalf.

Working with an experienced Carson pedestrian accident attorney not only increases your chance of success with your personal injury claim but also makes the entire process much easier to handle. Your attorney will address the legal mechanisms in play while you recover with peace of mind. When you choose McLachlan Law, APC, to represent you, we will thoroughly explore every facet of your case. We will help you obtain the evidence you need to establish fault for your damages and assist in calculating the full range of compensation you can include in your claim to maximize your recovery.

How Do Pedestrian Accidents Happen in Carson, CA?

Any area with high traffic congestion and pedestrian movement is a high-risk area for pedestrian accidents. Pedestrian accidents most often occur at intersections, especially when visibility around turns is obscured by parked vehicles and nearby traffic. However, pedestrian accidents can also happen due to driver negligence and improper crossing. Some of the most commonly reported causes of pedestrian accidents in California include:

  • Speeding. All drivers must adhere to posted speed limits, especially in areas with lots of pedestrian traffic. When drivers speed, they have less time and space to slow down and stop in time to avoid collisions with pedestrians or other drivers.
  • Driving under the influence (DUI). It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Impaired drivers are not only more likely to cause pedestrian accidents but more likely to cause severe accidents in general. Drivers who injure pedestrians because of DUI are likely to face felony DUI charges in California in addition to civil liability for the victim’s damages.
  • Distracted driving. The most commonly reported cause of all traffic accidents in the US is distracted driving. All drivers must pay attention to their surroundings when operating their vehicles. Unfortunately, even a few seconds of distraction can be enough to cause a devastating accident.
  • Jaywalking. Pedestrians must stay on sidewalks and only cross streets at designated crosswalks. Jaywalking is when a pedestrian crosses a street outside of the crosswalk. While this is technically a minor infraction that could lead to a fine or another small penalty for the jaywalker, they could also incur comparative negligence if a driver hits them. While they would still have grounds for a civil claim against the driver, their recovery would be diminished to reflect their comparative negligence.

These are just a few examples of how pedestrian accidents can happen in California. If you or a loved one experiences a pedestrian accident due to the actions of another party, you likely have grounds for a personal injury claim. A successful case could yield substantial compensation for your damages.

Commonly Reported Injuries From Pedestrian Accidents in Carson

Whenever a car strikes a pedestrian, the pedestrian is likely to suffer extreme injuries, some of which may result in life-changing disabilities or even threaten the victim’s life if they do not receive immediate medical attention. Pedestrian accident claims can entail injuries such as:

  • Traumatic brain injuries. The pedestrian may sustain a brain injury from impact with the vehicle or the secondary impact of hitting the ground. A traumatic brain injury can easily cause tremendous damage, potentially resulting in life-changing medical complications for the victim.
  • Spinal injuries. The spinal cord carries brain signals throughout the body, making it one of the most critical structures in the entire human body. However, it cannot repair itself, so any damage it sustains in an accident is permanent. In addition, some spinal injuries cause lifelong paralysis, preventing the victim from living independently in the future.
  • Broken bones. Bone fractures are often reported from pedestrian accidents. Some of these injuries will heal entirely with appropriate care, while others cause lasting medical complications like nerve damage, reduced range of motion, and chronic pain.

It’s common for pedestrian accident victims to sustain multiple injuries at once. The victim will likely need immediate medical attention, and their injuries are likely to cause a host of long-term complications. An experienced Carson pedestrian accident attorney is the best asset the victim can have to secure compensation for these damages.

Compensation Possible From a Personal Injury Claim

California’s personal injury statutes allow victims of pedestrian accidents and other acts of negligence to seek compensation for all losses caused by the negligence of others. Your Carson pedestrian accident lawyer can help you identify the party or parties responsible for causing your pedestrian accident and assist you in securing compensation for your resulting losses, which may include:

  • Medical expenses, both immediate and future. Many pedestrian accident victims suffer severe injuries that require extensive immediate treatment and ongoing care and rehabilitation. Therefore, the plaintiff of a pedestrian accident claim can seek compensation for any medical expenses incurred by a negligent driver’s actions.
  • Lost income. The victim of a pedestrian accident in Carson may be unable to work until they recover. They can add their wages lost during this time to their personal injury claim. However, suppose they cannot recover completely or develop a permanent disability from their injuries that prevents them from working at all in the future. In that case, their attorney can help them secure compensation for the lost future income they would have reasonably expected to earn if the accident had not occurred.
  • Pain and suffering. In a pedestrian accident claim, the plaintiff has the right to seek compensation for physical pain and emotional distress resulting from the defendant’s negligence. The plaintiff’s attorney can help them determine an appropriate figure based on their injuries’ severity, the expected length of their recovery time, and the long-term complications their doctor expects them to face from their injuries.

Ultimately, your recovery from a pedestrian accident could be far more substantial than you initially anticipated as long as you have the right attorney handling your claim.

Proving Fault for a Pedestrian Accident

In order to secure compensation for your losses after a pedestrian accident in Carson, CA, you must first establish liability for the accident. Your Carson pedestrian accident attorney can help you gather the evidence you need to prove fault for your damages, which may include traffic camera footage, eyewitness testimony, drivers’ cell phone records, and more. Success with your claim hinges on your ability to identify the party or parties responsible for causing the pedestrian accident, proving the full scope of your damages, and proving those damages are the direct results of the defendant’s negligence.

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Carson, CA

How Your Carson Pedestrian Accident Attorney Empowers Your Recovery

The team at McLachlan Law, APC, has successfully represented many past clients in pedestrian accident claims. We understand the pain and uncertainty these incidents cause victims and their families. Our goal is to help every client we represent recover as fully as California law allows. When you choose our firm to represent you in a pedestrian accident case, we will carefully review the details of how your pedestrian accident happened and help you prove liability for your damages. Next, we’ll assist you in calculating the full scope of your claimable damages. It’s common for our clients to learn their claims are worth much more than they initially expected, and we are happy to guide our clients through their recovery processes with careful attention to detail and compassionate legal counsel.

Suppose you or a loved one is struggling in the aftermath of a pedestrian accident someone else caused in Carson, CA. In that case, you need legal representation you can trust if you want to maximize your recovery. The team at McLachlan Law, APC, is standing by to assist you. Contact us today and schedule your consultation if you are ready to discuss your legal options with an experienced Carson pedestrian accident attorney.

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