Inglewood Brain Injury Attorney
Inglewood Brain Injury Lawyer
The human brain is mysterious and complex, and even the most talented brain researchers and scientists in the world have yet to uncover all the ways the human brain functions. This complexity is as much an asset as it is a liability in some cases. While the human brain is extraordinary in its capabilities, it is also highly susceptible to physical harm. Brain injuries can easily cause devastating disabilities and long-term medical complications. Suppose you or a family member recently had a brain injury due to someone’s else’s actions. If that is the case, you may have grounds to hold that party accountable for your resulting damages.
Representing Inglewood, CA, Brain Injury Victims in Civil Claims
An experienced Inglewood brain injury attorney is an invaluable asset in this situation. Navigating any injury claim is much easier with reliable legal representation on your side, and brain injury claims are some of the most complex injury claims any person can face. If you believe you have grounds to file a personal injury claim for your recent brain injury, McLachlan Law, APC, can help. Our team has years of experience representing clients in a wide range of challenging personal injury claims, including those pertaining to catastrophic injuries and permanent disabilities. In addition, we can help you identify the parties responsible for your brain injury and hold them accountable for your losses.
Why Should I Hire an Inglewood Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney?
No two brain injuries are alike. The human brain is infinite in its complexity, and two people could suffer apparently identical brain injuries and yet have completely different recovery experiences. A seemingly mild brain injury could have life-changing effects for one person while another brain injury that appears fatal or life-altering could heal completely, and the victim could appear as though nothing happened years after the incident. In addition, brain injuries are difficult to predict, and the full scope of effects of a brain injury may not be utterly noticeable until much later after the injury initially occurred.
While it is technically possible to handle a personal injury claim without an attorney, this is an unwise decision when your claim pertains to catastrophic damage from a brain injury. The average person with no legal experience would have tremendous difficulty navigating the civil court system successfully while managing their medical needs after a brain injury. If you were injured, you may require ongoing treatment and be unable to fulfill your claim’s procedural requirements on your own. If your family member was injured, you might need to provide ongoing care for them during their recovery.
In either case, an experienced Inglewood brain injury lawyer is a tremendous asset to have on your side. You can rely on your legal team to handle all the procedural requirements of your case and guide you through every stage of the process. In addition, your Inglewood brain injury attorney can help you determine which party/parties bear fault for your damages and assist you when it comes to calculating the full scope of those damages.
How Do Brain Injuries Happen?
Brain injuries occur in many ways, often unexpectedly. Some of the most commonly cited causes of brain injuries in the United States include:
- Sports accidents. Many athletes face significant risks of brain injuries during practice sessions and games. Sports like football, ice hockey, rugby, and gymnastics entail high brain injury risks. Professional football players, in particular, report very high concussion rates.
- Motor vehicle accidents. Vehicle accidents are a leading cause of accidental injuries and death throughout California, and these incidents are easily capable of causing traumatic brain injuries. Crash impact forces can cause a victim’s head to collide with hard surfaces inside their vehicle, and airbag deployment can be forceful enough to cause devastating head injuries.
- Slip and fall injuries. When a person falls from any height, they face a risk of head injury. The height of the fall typically informs the severity of their injury. If you or a loved one suffered a brain injury on someone else’s property, you might have grounds for a premises liability claim.
- Interpersonal violence. Unfortunately, California has a relatively high violent crime rate. For example, if an individual commits an assault or robbery and hits the victim’s head, they can easily cause a traumatic brain injury. The aggressor in this situation should face criminal prosecution in addition to civil liability for the victim’s resulting damages.
This is not an exhaustive list of all the ways brain injuries can happen in California. However, when a brain injury occurs, the victim and their family are likely to wonder whether they have grounds for legal action to secure compensation for their medical expenses and other losses. The determining factor in whether the victim has grounds for legal action is if another party caused the brain injury or contributed to causing it in any way.
Determining Fault for a Brain Personal Injury Cases
If you believe another party bears fault for your recent brain injury, an Inglewood brain injury attorney can help you establish their liability for your damages. Every personal injury claim revolves around proving negligence or a failure to exercise reasonable care. If another party caused your brain injury, your attorney must help you prove that the at-fault party was negligent or intentionally harmful in some way. Your attorney will need to prove that party directly caused your brain injury.
Proving negligence in a personal injury claim requires identifying the party or parties responsible for the incident in question, providing a complete list of all the plaintiff’s claimable damages, and then proving those damages resulted from the defendant’s actions and not some other cause. Your Inglewood brain injury attorney will likely leverage material evidence from the scene where your injury occurred, eyewitness testimony from individuals who saw the accident happen, and supporting testimony from expert witnesses who can help you prove how your brain injury occurred and establish the full scope of your damages.
Brain Injury Accidents Claims and Compensation
It’s common for brain injuries to permanently harm the victim. California state law allows the victim of a personal injury to seek compensation for all medical expenses they incur because of a defendant’s negligence. This includes immediate medical costs such as hospital bills and ambulance fees, but the plaintiff also has the right to seek repayment for any ongoing treatment costs their situation demands. Some brain injury victims require years of physical and occupational therapy to restore function. Others need speech therapy and memory care. Others who sustain catastrophic brain injuries may need ongoing in-home care for years or the rest of their lives.
In a brain injury case, the plaintiff can also include property losses in their claim if the defendant’s actions caused damage to their personal property, such as their home or vehicle. Plaintiffs also have the right to seek compensation for lost income. The victim of a brain injury could be unable to work for an extended period. Some brain injury victims can develop permanent disabilities that prevent them from working in the future. Your Inglewood brain injury attorney can assist you to calculate lost income and lost future earning capacity and add these losses to your claim.
California’s personal injury laws allow plaintiffs to receive compensation for pain and suffering. A brain injury can be a life-changing experience that results in permanent disability, diminished quality of life, and inability to work or live independently. There is no cap or limit to pain and suffering damages in California except in medical malpractice claims. Your Inglewood brain injury lawyer will assess the entirety of your medical complications resulting from the incident in question and evaluate the long-term effects your situation is likely to cause to help you determine a fair amount of pain and suffering to seek with your personal injury claim.
What to Expect From Your Inglewood Brain Injury Attorney
McLachlan Law, APC, strives to provide client-focused and compassionate legal counsel to every client we represent. Throughout the years of our firm’s operation, we have successfully represented many clients in challenging brain injury cases, and we know the devastating effects these injuries can have on victims and their families. Therefore, when you choose McLachlan Law, APC, as your Inglewood brain injury attorneys, we will thoroughly investigate every facet of your claim to help you maximize your recovery.
Our team has extensive experience representing clients who have suffered life-changing injuries like brain injuries, and we can apply this experience to your case. Suppose you have any concerns about comparative negligence coming into play in your case. In that case, we will rigorously review all evidence to help you minimize any comparative fault you might absorb and help you secure the most compensation you possibly can under California state law.
Brain injury claims are complex, time-consuming, and stressful for everyone involved. The sooner you secure legal counsel from an experienced Inglewood brain injury lawyer, the greater your chance of success will be in your personal injury claim. If you are ready to discuss your options for legal recourse after you or a loved one has sustained a brain injury due to the actions of another party, contact McLachlan Law, APC, to schedule your case evaluation with a compassionate and experienced Inglewood brain injury attorney.
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What Our Client Say About Us
"Attorney Mike McLachlan, did such an awesome job for me and I feel like anyone who has Mr McLachlan representing them is completely in capable hands as well as fortunate. Between his knowledge, compassion for the law, he takes his time and listens to your concerns and answers all questions thoroughly (Even the ones you ask three times, with patience!) returns phone calls or emails on a timely manner as well. Mr McLachlan and his team was always there for me at every step during this long process."