Inglewood Personal Injury Attorney

Inglewood Personal Injury Lawyer

No innocent person should ever be hurt at the hands of another individual who was acting carelessly. Unfortunately, it happens more often than you may think. That’s why personal injury claims are some of the most common types of disputes filed in California. When it comes to filing a personal injury claim in Inglewood, CA, it’s imperative that you hire a skilled attorney that can help you through the process and represent you along the way.

If you or someone you love suffered harm due to the actions of a negligent person or business, don’t hesitate to ask how our staff at McLachlan Law, APC can assist you with your case.

McLachlan Law, APC: Southern California Personal Injury Assistance

After being involved in an accident, your number one priority should be healing. However, this can be difficult when you’re also dealing with the complex elements that come with a personal injury case. At McLachlan Law, APC, our team understands how challenging the personal injury claim process can be. That’s why our firm is dedicated to providing legal assistance and support that our clients can trust to help them. We have decades of experience working in personal injury law and have worked with countless clients to fight for what they deserve. Whether you need assistance filing a personal injury claim in Inglewood or need a lawyer you can trust to negotiate a settlement, McLachlan Law, APC is here to help.

What Is a Personal Injury Claim?

A personal injury claim is filed when an individual suffers some kind of harm due to the negligence or recklessness of someone else. The claim is designed to help the victim recover damages and assist in their healing process. Personal injury law encompasses numerous different accidents and injuries that may occur, as well as varying forms of compensation for the victims. A “personal injury” can include any sort of physical, emotional, or financial harm that an individual may have suffered because of another party’s irresponsibility.

Inglewood Personal Injury Attorney

Types of Personal Injury Claims in California

There is a variety of different personal injury claims that an individual may file in Inglewood. At McLachlan Law, APC, our team can represent you in a wide range of these cases, such as:

Car Accidents

Drivers take on both responsibility and liability when they get behind the wheel of their vehicle. When a driver does not take the right precautions, ignores traffic laws, or is blatantly reckless, they can cause severe accidents and injure other people on the road. Because car accidents have the potential for emotional, physical, and financial damage, individuals who suffered harm due to an irresponsible driver have the right to file a personal injury claim against them.

Truck Accidents

Accidents involving trucks can be more complex than car accidents. This is because there are often multiple liable parties in a truck accident, such as a driver and their company, in addition to the fact that the trucking company will most likely have a lawyer ready on retainer. Plus, truck accident can cause immense damage and serious injury much easier than the average car. If you or someone you love was injured in a trucking accident in California, don’t wait to file a personal injury claim to recover damages.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists are more vulnerable to car accidents than people who are in cars or trucks. This is because a motorcyclist’s main form of protection is their helmet and gear, whereas people in cars have seatbelts, airbags, and the exterior of the vehicle that’s designed to take on impact protecting them. Because California has more motorcyclists than most other states, all drivers on the road must pay extra attention when they see a motorcyclist operating near them to avoid any type of accident. If a motorcyclist is injured by a distracted or reckless driver, they have the right to file for compensation for the harm they suffered.

Premises Liability

Premises liability is a concept that holds businesses and private property owners accountable when visitors are injured on their premises. Property owners are required by California law to keep their premises safe as well as notify visitors of any potential safety hazards if they are present. Premises liability cases include claims such as slip-and-fall accidents and inadequate maintenance accidents. The most common example of a premises liability case is when a business cleans its floors but does not put up the proper signs to notify visitors, resulting in someone getting hurt.

Product Liability

All manufacturers have a multitude of guidelines that they must abide by, and one of those is that they must sell products that work as advertised and are safe to use. This is known as product liability and helps to hold manufacturers accountable for selling broken, dangerous, or defective products. However, there are many cases every year where individuals purchase a product that ultimately causes emotional, physical, or financial damage. This is because dangerous and defective products can cause a wide range of issues, from electrical shortages and fires to severe injuries. If you or someone you know was harmed due to a negligent manufacturer selling a poor product, our team at McLachlan Law, APC can help you file a personal injury claim.

Birth Injuries

Birth injury claims encompass a wide range of injuries varying in severity. A birth injury is considered to be any injury that is sustained by a mother or her child during the childbirth process. While sometimes birth injuries are unavoidable due to the position of a baby or their situation in the womb, careless medical personnel can also cause injuries if they aren’t practicing extreme caution throughout the birth. Birth injuries can include anything from small lacerations from medical instruments to oxygen deprivation that causes future disorders.

Wrongful Death

Wrongful death occurs when an individual loses their life because of someone else’s careless behavior. It does not matter if the behavior was intentional or not — the party that caused harm will be considered liable if negligence can be proven by the victim’s family. Wrongful death claims are designed to help the victim’s loved ones by compensating them for the financial and emotional losses they’ve endured. These claims are taken especially seriously because, in many cases, the victim’s family was dependent on them for income.

What Can a Personal Injury Attorney Do for You?

Working with a skilled Inglewood personal injury attorney can help you immensely when going through a personal injury case in California. Just a couple of the things that we at McLachlan Law, APC can assist you with include:

Helping You Gather Evidence and File a Claim

When filing a personal injury claim, you will need to prove that the defendant demonstrated negligent or dangerous behavior that caused you harm. In the claim, you will detail the specific circumstances of your accident, your injuries, and the careless behavior of the defendant. Our team can work with you to ensure you fill out your claim and file it properly, as well as assist you in beginning to collect evidence after you send it in. After you file a claim, gathering evidence that proves that you were injured and that the defendant was acting recklessly is crucial. Our team can assist you with finding the right evidence as well as building a strong defense for your claim.

Let You Prioritize Healing

Whether you were part of a traumatic accident or lost someone close to you because of the recklessness of someone else, every person will have a unique healing process after harm of any kind occurs. By working with an experienced personal injury attorney, you can trust that the complex legal issues of your case will be handled properly so that you can prioritize getting better. A skilled attorney can offer you legal advice, and they can also help you fill out and file your claim. They can represent you in and out of court as well.

Negotiate for You and Represent You

Most individuals filing accident claims have no prior experience with personal injury law. Because of this, it’s imperative that you find a lawyer who is familiar with personal injury and accident law, especially if your claim ends up going through litigation. An experienced accident attorney can represent you during trial in court as well as in settlement hearings outside of court. They can also use their master negotiation skills to fight for the compensation you deserve and ensure you’re not taken advantage of.

Inglewood’s Personal Injury Lawyers and Law Firm

Life-changing accidents can happen at any moment. Here at McLachlan Law, APC, we understand just how fast an accident can occur, and we are committed to helping you through the legal aspects of a personal injury claim. We have represented countless Southern California clients through difficult cases and are devoted to offering legal services that make a difference in people’s lives. If you or a loved one suffered harm due to another person’s negligence here in Inglewood, you deserve to be compensated for your losses.

To learn more about our personal injury services or to schedule a consultation at McLachlan Law, APC, contact us today.

Inglewood Serious
Personal Injury

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