

Important Statistics About Car Accidents in Torrance, CA

Car accidents continue to be a leading cause of accidental deaths and injuries all over the country. Torrance, CA is no exception. Local drivers must acknowledge the risk of motor vehicle accidents in the area and take appropriate steps to prevent such accidents from occurring. While the following statistics

January 16th, 2021|

Common Causes of Hermosa Beach Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles are popular vehicles throughout California. Some rely on them because they are small and easy to store, while others simply enjoy riding motorcycles for pleasure. Regardless of whether you operate a motorcycle out of necessity or for leisure, you should know the most common causes of motorcycle accidents

December 9th, 2020|

Who Is Liable for a Slip & Fall Accident?

A “slip and fall” may sound like a relatively mild injury. However, in the legal world, a “slip and fall” can pertain to a wide range of serious injuries resulting from negligent care of a property. A Hermosa Beach premises liability attorney can help an injured slip and fall

December 9th, 2020|

Dog Accident Cases: More Than Just Bites

Dogs are incredibly popular pets in the United States, and many families consider their dogs to be family members. Unfortunately, not everyone has a positive experience with dogs. Some dogs may cause severe injuries to people without prompting or warning. While most people acknowledge the danger of dog bites, a

December 9th, 2020|

What to Expect in a Pedestrian Accident Claim

Pedestrians must use care and caution when walking near traffic. While ideally, pedestrians should be able to assume they can walk where they are going without issue, not every driver uses reasonable care around pedestrians. When pedestrian accidents occur involving motor vehicles or even smaller vehicles like motorcycles and

December 9th, 2020|

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